Torian receives seven-year manslaughter sentence

After two mistrials murder suspect, Robert Torian pled guilty to the amended charge of second-degree manslaughter in June and on Wednesday he appeared in Christian Circuit Court where he was formally sentenced.

Torian was charged with murder in connection to the 2019 shooting death of Terrill Moore. Before Torian was formally sentenced, Special Prosecutor, Dennis Foust introduced Walter and Angelique Victor, Moore’s parents, who made victim impact statements.

Angelique Victor said she did not let her son die in vain and since his death she has started an organization focused on getting guns off of the streets and working to ensure that no other parent has to go through the same loss she did.

In response, Torian apologized for his involvement in Moore’s death and agreed that the gun violence in the community has to stop.

Circuit Judge Andrew Self described the case as tragic and the outcome as unsettling because Torian was originally indicted on a charge of first-degree murder, however the amended charge was agreed upon by both the prosecution and the defense.

Self accepted Torian’s guilty plea for second-degree manslaughter which comes with a recommended seven-year sentence in jail.