Todd Co. Emergency Management Director set to retire

Todd County is on the search for a new Emergency Management Director, as Daniel Smith is set to retire from that long held position at the start of 2025.

Todd County Fiscal Court magistrates approved action to advertise for the position at Friday’s Fiscal Court meeting, and the meeting was followed by a retirement reception to celebrate Smith and wish him well in his future endeavors. 

Speaking with the Fiscal Court, Smith says he doesn’t intend to go far—he plans to stay in Todd County, and will likely continue serving with the Trenton Fire Department for a while longer.

Smith has been the emergency management director in Todd County since 2016, but he’s no stranger to emergency services, with an over 40-year career under his belt. He had some advice for magistrates as they look for his replacement—find someone who wants to make a difference.

Judge-Executive Todd Mansfield says the position continues to garner much interest, so they want to make sure they take their time and pick the perfect person for Todd County. They may need to appoint an interim director while they search for a permanent director.

Photo from Todd County Fiscal Court Facebook page.