Senator-elect Craig Richardson preparing for upcoming session

There will be a new face representing the third district in the Kentucky Senate when legislators convene in Frankfort in January, and Craig Richardson is ready to hit the ground running.

After running an unopposed race for the seat held by outgoing Senator Whitney Westerfield, Richardson he began preparing to serve in the legislature as much as he could—whether that be by attending the end of the 2024 session to get a feel for how things operate, or watching interim committee meetings, he says he’s tried to absorb as much information as he can.

He says he’ll be serving on numerous boards and committees during the upcoming short session, ranging from healthcare to Appropriations and Revenue, and he’s excited.

Richardson says he’s kept a close eye on what’s been happening in the interim, and he feels as ready as he can be for session, though he knows he still has a lot to learn in those first few days.

And there will be plenty of legislators to consider this session, even without a budget on the agenda, ranging from considering a school of veterinary medicine at Murray State University, to jail reform, to lowering the income tax and much more.