Second week of school begins, Superintendent talks traffic, transportation

The second week of school is set to get underway Tuesday when students return from a three-day weekend, and Superintendent Chris Bentzel is hopeful that some of the hiccups they had the first week have been ironed out. 

He’s mostly talking about school bus routes and other transportation and traffic issues, specifically some traffic issues that happened at Hopkinsville Middle School and Indian Hills Elementary as drivers learned the new traffic flows, but he thinks they’ve managed to streamline those areas.

He says last week presented its own unique challenges concerning the buses because of the extreme heat as they worked to keep students on those buses for as short a time as possible, so he’s glad to see a little relief from the heat in the forecast.

Bentzel says in the schools, it was a different story, as students seemed to fall back into the habit of school pretty quickly, and his hope is to keep them engaged all year ‘round to show that their students are capable of excellence.

Superintendent Bentzel took a moment to brag on former CCPS student Cory Trice for making the 53-man roster with the Pittsburgh Steelers.