School System cuts the ribbon on new Hopkinsville Middle School campus

Members of the Christian County Public School System and the community came together to cut the ribbon on the new Hopkinsville Middle School campus on Tuesday.

Toward the end of last year, the school system announced a campus transition plan which saw the closure of Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School. Hopkinsville Middle School moved to the old MLK Elementary School campus and Indian Hills Elementary School moved to the Hopkinsville Middle School campus to better accommodate students.

With the campus transitions, sixth graders will rejoin county middle schools.

Before the ribbon was cut, Hopkinsville Middle School Principal, Andrew Goins thanked everyone who played a role in making the campus transition happen and is eager for students to start the school year.

Goins introduced Christian County State Representative, Myron Dossett and shared that his granddaughter will be a student at the middle school. Dossett attended the jump start event at the middle school and he said it was amazing to see students excited to get back to school.

Superintendent Chris Bentzel says they had the idea to transition campuses around two years ago in order to put sixth grade back in the middle schools. He says he is excited for the school to be a vibrant learning environment for students.  

The first day of school is Monday, but before that the school system will be cutting the ribbon on the new Indian Hills Elementary School campus on Thursday.