Sanctuary, Inc. taking part in KY Gives Day Tuesday

Sanctuary, Inc. will be taking part in KY Gives Day, a 24-hour online giving event dedicated to supporting nonprofits across the state of Kentucky.

According to a news release, on Tuesday, supporters will have the opportunity to make a difference in their communities by donating to Sanctuary and a number of statewide nonprofits through the KY Gives Day platform.

Executive Director Heather Lancaster says, “Sanctuary looks forward to participating in this year’s giving campaign, which highlights many worthy programs doing awesome work across the state of Kentucky. Your donation supports Sanctuary and its services provided to women, children and men who are affected by intimate partner violence. Thank you for recognizing the need and for your support of this important cause.”

Funds raised during this event will help Sanctuary further its mission of providing healing services to victims of sexual assault and domestic violence within the nine counties of the Pennyrile Area Development District.