On Friday, Christian County Relay for Life returns to the Hopkinsville Sportsplex to raise money to support those battling cancer, but before that the nonprofit hosted an inaugural butterfly release to remember those who passed away as a result of the illness on Monday.
Before the butterflies were released, Relay Co-chair Christy Rushing talked about how the nonprofit supports those fighting cancer and their families. Rushing says the funds Relay raises go towards patient transportation to and from doctor appointments, gas money and hotel rooms for patients, raising awareness and research for a cure.
This year, Rushing says their fundraising goal is $80,000 and so far, they are already over halfway to their goal at $48,000.
Fellow Relay for Life Committee member, Pam Futrell read a short poem spotlighting those who were victims of cancer, but reminding people that the fight for a cure must continue.
Following Futrell, Hopkinsville Mayor J.R. Knight and Christian County Judge Executive Jerry Gilliam read a proclamation recognizing August 12 through August 17 as Relay for Life Week.
Following the proclamation, attendees were given little envelopes and when they opened them the butterflies stretched their wings and took flight.
Futrell says they decided to do a butterfly release instead of their traditional balloon release, because balloons result in environmental waste and by releasing butterflies, they would be able to send their love up.
Futrell says 162 butterflies were released and it was a great way to start the week ahead of Friday’s relay. Futrell says those who are interested still have a chance to register for the relay and says the evening will include recognitions for those who are cancer survivors, a memorial walk for those who have passed a way as a result of cancer and much more.
Futrell says they hope to raise $80,000 by December. Friday’s Relay for Life kicks off at 6 p.m. at the Hopkinsville Sportsplex.