Local planning efforts set for United States 250th birthday celebrations

The United States will celebrate its 250th birthday in 2026, and the Museums of Hopkinsville is looking for Hopkinsville and Christian County to be ready.

According to a news release, to get preparations underway, the Museum of Historic Hopkinsville-Christian County is hosting a presentation and discussion on Tuesday at 12 p.m. at the Pennyroyal Area Museum about statewide efforts to commemorate this big event.

Tyler McDaniel, America250KY Commission Administrator with the Kentucky Historical Society, will lead the discussion and share how the Historical Society is leading the America250KY program to explore the Commonwealth’s role in the history of the United States before, during, and after the revolution.

America250KY will rely on collaboration from multiple entities and perspectives within communities to tell the most all-encompassing story of our Commonwealth. This discussion shares information about the America250KY program, statewide feedback we’ve received on what Kentuckians want from this commemoration, programming themes designed specifically for Kentucky.