KSP reminds drivers to plan for safe, sober rides this New Year holiday

Kentucky State Police are reminding motorists to make sure they have safe and sober ride planned during your New Year’s festivities.

KSP and law enforcement agencies across the Commonwealth are taking part in the nationwide Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign through January 1, in an effort to cut down on impaired driving and stop avoidable collisions that often result in injuries and death.

Over the last five years, there were 452 impaired driving-related crashes during the Christmas and New Year holidays, with 179 injuries and 11 deaths occurring as a result.

If you intend to consume alcohol at a party this New Year’s Eve, plan ahead and make sure you have a safe way home, whether that be through a designated driver or a ride-booking service. You can also help cut down on impaired drivers on the roadway by collecting the keys of those driving and finding other ways for them to either get home or stay there until they sober up.