Hillcrest Baptist Church is getting ready to host their annual Tim Tebow Foundation Night to Shine prom for those in the community living with special needs to give them a night of fun.
The Tim Tebow Foundation has been hosting Night to Shine for nearly ten years and religious organizations across the globe host the annual prom for their special needs communities, and in Hopkinsville, Hillcrest Baptist Church is preparing to host their fourth prom. Night to Shine organizer, Christy Rushing appeared on WHOP on Tuesday to share what they have planned for the community.
Rushing says when their special guests arrive, they will have a red-carpet entrance and in the prom their will be music, food, karaoke, professional photos and more.
Currently, Rushing says they have 252 special guests registered and they are seeing people coming from all surrounding counties and Clarksville.
Rushing says they have around 310 volunteers and is looking for more to make sure the prom goes smoothly. Each special guest will have a volunteer or “buddy” with them to keep them company for the night.
Rushing says they have paused their special guest registration, but volunteer registration is still open and can be found at hillcrestbc.net. Rushing says there is volunteer training on Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. and Saturday at noon at Hillcrest Baptist Church.
Rushing also shared that the prom is free to those attending because of community donations and if anyone is interested in donating, they can do so by contacting Hillcrest Baptist Church.
The Night to Shine prom is open to those 14 years or older and will be on Friday, February 9 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the James E. Bruce Convention Center. More information about the prom can be found at Night to Shine Hopkinsville, KY.

Photo and flyer courtesy of Hillcrest Baptist Church