HFD talks code enforcement, EMT training

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about code enforcement in the City of Hopkinsville, you can make those reports to the Hopkinsville Fire Department, who has taken charge of Code Enforcement. 

Speaking with WHOP recently, Payton Rogers and Nathan Stewart with the fire department says they’ve been very busy since taking over for Code Enforcement. Captain Rogers says complaints can be made anonymously on the City of Hopkinsville website, and they’ll have someone checking it out quickly.

Stewart says the only way they can keep track of everything is through citizens reporting things they may miss.

Then, Hopkinsville Fire and EMS will be hosting another EMT training course and Stewart says they’re accepting applications now with a mandatory meeting for those interested happening on May 29 at 6 p.m. at their headquarters on Phillip Meacham Way.

For more information on the EMT training or Code Enforcement, you can visit the Hopkinsville Fire and EMS Facebook or go online to hoptown.org.