Gov. Beshear attends groundbreaking in Logan County 

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode

Governor Andy Beshear announced Kentucky is seeing momentum in its metal sectors following a groundbreaking ceremony for  a $40 million aluminum processing facility in Russellville. 

The new Kentucky Aluminum Processors’ facility coming to Russellville will create 75 full-time jobs. 

Beshear says, “Our manufacturing industry is one of the largest sectors in the state and continues to grow because of quality companies like Kentucky Aluminum Processors choosing and trusting what we have to offer. I want to thank their company leadership in this joint venture opportunity and look forward to their success in Logan County.”

The facility will be operated as a joint venture between Tri-Arrows Aluminum (TAA) and Tennessee Aluminum Processors (TAP). Both companies  will process dross and scrap material from TAA’s casting center. The project will sit on 37 acres of land to allow for the necessary equipment, storage, transportation and parking to support processing operations.