Girl Scout Alumni Tea Party set for Sunday

Brush off the vest and the badges if you’re a Girl Scout alumnus, because there’s going to be a Girl Scout Alumni Tea Party on Sunday.

Speaking with WHOP, Service Unit Manager Cecelia Cloos says the tea will take place this Sunday at 4 p.m. at St. John Methodist Church, and attendees can enjoy food and drinks while supporting local girl scouts and reminiscing on their days in the scouts.

Money raised by the event will go to individual girl scouts to help them attendee the summer camp of their choice. Cloos says give her a call if you’re interested in attending at 270-498-3050 and youngsters who might be interested in joining the scouts are also welcome.

Donations will be accepted at the door—the event will take place in the Activities Building of St. John Methodist Church at 2808 South Virginia Street in Hopkinsville.