Former daycare employee enters guilty plea to child abuse

The former First Baptist Church Daycare employee accused of child abuse has entered a guilty plea in Christian Circuit Court. 

According to court document, Deshala Day has entered a guilty plea to two counts of first-degree criminal abuse against a victim under 12-years of age for her role in the abuse of a toddler while employed at the First Baptist Church Daycare in 2022. She reportedly lifted the then 16-month-old child by one arm to remove them from a classroom and into the hallway, and ‘firmly grabbed the child by the face’ during another incident that was captured on video.

The child was later taken to Jennie Stuart Medical Center to be treated and evaluated for visible injuries.

Day entered her plea in court Tuesday afternoon—it comes with a recommended five-year sentence in total, with the Commonwealth opposing probation. There was a special prosecutor in this case.

Final sentencing is set for September 4.