Conservation district invites farmers to participate in CAIP program

The Christian County Conservation District is inviting local farmers to participate in the state’s County Ag Investment Program (CAIP) where they can apply to receive money back for agriculture and livestock improvement related projects.

 Leslie Fourqurean from the conservation district shared that they are hosting informational sessions that are mandatory for those interested in applying for CAIP. Fourqurean says farmers working on projects in investment areas such as cattle genetics, farm infrastructure, pasture reseeding, field tiling and more could receive funds back from the cost share program.

Fourqurean says those accepted into the program will share receipts detailing project costs with the conservation district and if the costs align with the investment area they applied for then they can receive up to a $2,500 reimbursement.

Those interested in the program have to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, May 21 at 6 p.m. or Wednesday, May 22 at 7:30 a.m.  Both meetings are at Gracey West Union Baptist Church. Applications for the program can be picked up from the conservation district office on Eagle Way Bypass starting on Monday and the deadline is June 7.  Â