CCPS Superintendent talks gift card drive, attendance efforts

The Christian County Public Schools Superintendent is putting out the call for gift cards to benefit the family of a student with cancer, and how important attendance is for students.

Zach Boyd is a sixth grader in CCPS and has been battling a rare bone cancer called osteosarcoma for some time—but after receiving news that the cancer has spread, a doctor determined the situation has become terminal. The school system is looking to rally community support and love for Boyd and his family, and Superintendent Chris Bentzel says citizens can donate gift cards to help with the family’s expenses, especially heading into the holidays.

Students and staff, from elementary schoolers to high school seniors across the district also recently participated in an effort to ‘Go Green’, wearing green clothing in support and recognition of Zach and his ongoing battle.

Speaking with WHOP Monday morning, Superintendent Bentzel also highlighted the goal of achieving 94 percent attendance rate across the district, and they’re pretty close to reaching it.

Bentzel says they’re also working to reach those students that are chronically absent—he says being present to learn is of the utmost importance.

In a brief construction update, Bentzel says things are going well on the consolidated high school project, and while he knows the weather won’t stay this nice forever, it has allowed them to make good progress so far.