Winners declared, $91k raised in local Dancing with Our Stars competition

Dancing with Our Stars came to a grand finale Saturday night at the Alhambra Theatre in Hopkinsville, as the teams faced off in the big dance-off—all in the name of […]
Pow Wow brings music, dancing to Trail of Tears Park, continues Sunday

The Trail of Tears Native American Pow Wow got underway Saturday morning, and you couldn’t have asked for better weather as the sounds of drums and singing filled the air […]
Joy Closet hosts annual dinner to spotlight their work

Joy Closet hosted its third annual dinner on Thursday to spotlight how they plan to further support children in the foster care system and their adoptive families. Joy Closet is […]
City of Pembroke issues burn ban

The City of Pembroke has issued a burn ban for Pembroke City limits, due to the ongoing drought conditions happening in the region. The burn ban is in effect immediately […]
Princeton Police arrest minor for threatening students with knife

Officers from the Princeton Police Department arrested a 16-year-old male juvenile after he reportedly brandished a knife on a school bus on Wednesday. According to a report from police, the […]
Clarksville Police identify victim of fatal wreck

A two-vehicle wreck in the area of 41 A Bypass and Riverwood Place in Clarksville on Thursday resulted in the death of Matthew Bouslog. According to Clarksville Police, the head-on […]
Farm Safety and Health Awareness week to harvest wellness

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode Agriculture Commissioner, Jonathan Shell announced that September 15 through the 21 will be Farm Safety and Health Week in Kentucky. Farm Safety and Health Week […]
Tie Breaker Park to temporarily close for parking lot for repairs

The parking lot at Tie Breaker Park is set to temporarily close for maintenance on Wednesday, September 11. During the closure, Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation announced that the parking […]
School Board receives updates, approves preschool policies

The Christian County School Board received a recap on the start of the school year and approved revised preschool policies at their meeting on Thursday. Superintendent Chris Bentzel says their […]
Chamber of Commerce spotlights rebranded workforce education committee

Members of the Christian County Chamber of Commerce emphasized the importance of workforce education for students at Thursday’s Hopkinsville Kiwanis Club meeting. The Chamber of Commerce consists of around 650 […]