Challenge House pens letter to local government over homelessness concerns

Challenge House, a local non-profit whose mission is inner-city ministry within Hopkinsville’s neighborhoods, has issued a statement about their concern for the growing homeless population in the city. 

According to a letter and a statement to the City of Hopkinsville government and Christian Fiscal Court, the board that oversees Challenge House says they work daily within Hopkinsville’s under-resourced neighborhoods, and therefore work closely with those in need in the community. They say they have seen first-hand the increasing numbers of homeless in the city and hope to partner with local government and other agencies to address the growing concern. 

The letter goes onto to state, “Our community is not void of the challenges of major cities, but the growth of the number of homeless in Hopkinsville appears to be growing in comparison with large, major cities around the country. Our organization is willing to work alongside others to address the issue of homelessness in our community.”  

It goes on to say that in the event of the creation of a committee to address the issue, Challenge House would be interested in appointing a representative to serve on it.