TVA invites schools to apply for energy conservation program

Focusing on energy conservation in schools, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is recruiting schools for their School Uplift program to learn about and enact ways to save on electricity costs for the 2024-2025 academic year.

TVA Energy Coach, Tom Irwin appeared on WHOP on Monday and shared how the School Uplift program can lead to schools being more energy conscious and possibly even winning a grant for their energy conservation efforts.

For the 2023-2024 academic year, Irwin says they currently have 106 schools in their service region participating in the program. Closer to home Irwin says they are partnered with the Hopkinsville Electric System and Pennyrile Rural Electric to work with schools in the region and in the last few years of the program they have able to help schools save around 10% on their electricity costs.

Irwin says many schools they work with have energy costs that total to over $100,000 so saving 10% makes for a noticeable impact. Irwin says they provide schools in the program with goals and reminders of how they can conserve energy when the building is not occupied.

Some tips they share with schools is to turn off lights and lowering thermostats at the end of the school day and before breaks. Along with energy saving tips, Irwin says they also highlight where light bulb replacements and control system upgrades could be beneficial.  

Along with helping schools save money on their energy bills, Irwin says that every school every that participates and completes the program can get a $10,000 grant, but the 10 most involved schools may receive $25,000 grants.

Irwin says students at schools who have completed the program and receive learning environment grants can vote on how the money is used.

Beyond the grants, Irwin says the money school’s save by exercising energy conservation practices can also be invested into student learning needs.

Schools can apply for the School Uplift program at or by contacting their local energy provider.