Vehicle, bicycle collision results in minor injuries

A Hopkinsville man was transported to Jennie Stuart Medical Center for minor injuries following a vehicle and bicycle collision on Martin Luther King Jr. Way on Friday.

According to a report from the Hopkinsville Police Department, Scott Childress of Hopkinsville was traveling on a bicycle on Commerce Court when he approached the Martin Luther King Jr. Way intersection.

Childress reportedly pulled into the median of the intersection and waited for traffic to clear. He then saw Nicholas Karolides of Pembroke traveling westbound in a vehicle with the right signal light blinking.

Childress told law enforcement he attempted to cross the westbound lane because he thought Karolides was going to be turning right. However, as he was crossing the road, Childress says he realized Karolides’ vehicle was not making a right hand turn and said he steered his bike out of the way, but the collision was unavoidable.

Karolides reportedly said he did not realize his right turn signal was on and as Childress pulled into his path, he tried to avoid the collision, but was not able to.

According to the report, Childress collided with the right rear end of Karolides’ vehicle. Childress was transported to Jennie Stuart Medical Center for minor chest pain, road rash and a scrape to his left knee.