A sidewalk project on Ringgold Road in Clarksville is set to get underway this weekend in an effort to improve pedestrian safety.
The project is part of a Transportation Plan and will feature 3,500 feet of new, five-foot wide sidewalk, with accessible ramps as well as curb and gutter, on the south-side of Ringgold Road. The new addition will begin at the intersection of Fort Campbell Boulevard and Ringgold, then continue down to 430 Ringgold Road.
Officials say this new sidewalk will help to ensure safe and accessible pathways for students traveling from the Whitehall subdivision to Ringgold Elementary School.
The Street Department will use the spring break session to complete the necessary work taking place directly in front of the school and an attempt to limit disruptions to school traffic.
The project will start Saturday and is set to be completed by mid-November.