At a recent meeting of the Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Directors, the TVA reinforced their commitment to investing in future infrastructure to meet ever growing demand in the region.
According to a news release, over the past five years the region’s GDP has grown 2.9 percent, outpacing the national average of 2.4 percent, and the unemployment rate has dropped by .3 of a percentage point, while the U.S. has grown 0.4 percent. In addition, the region’s population has grown faster than the U.S. overall, especially in the working age population and those under 20 years old.
That means demand for energy is higher than ever in the TVA’s service region, and outgoing President and CEO Jeff Lyash says the investments they’ve made have already benefited citizens, and will continue to do so.
He says the TVA remains committed to continued investment into the future of energy in this region.
Lyash thanked all of their employees and partnership with local energy agencies, and says thanks to everyone’s help, this region is thriving.
The TVA plans to build about 5,500 megawatts of new firm, dispatchable generation by 2029 and adding up to 10,000 megawatts of solar by 2035.
The Tennessee Valley Authority is the nation’s largest public power supplier, delivering energy to more than 10 million people across seven southeastern states.